Review for:
The Beasts Of Daniel
Study #9  Answer Sheet

  1. What does the Spirit of Prophecy cautions us not to accept? T.M:106 We are not to accept the opinion of commentators as the voice of God.
  2. What two books in the Bible are we told to study closer? T.M:112   (1)__Daniel__ (2)___Revelation__
  3. What did the four beasts come out of? GC.pp439-440 ___Sea___
  4. Do the wings on the lion symbolize speed? Dan.7:4 _____(Y)____(N)
  5. Who is the "first king" of Dan.8:21? -- Alexander the Great--
  6. What do the three ribs in the bear's mouth symbolize? Dan.7:4 _____ Third Empire from Creation.
  7. What were the wings being Plucked from the lion a symbol of?______ Babylon was to pass away.
  8. What king had the Beastly heart? -- Belshazzar--
  9. The bear is a symbol for what kingdom? -- Medo Persia--
  10. What where the names of Alexander's four generals?
    1. Cassander________________________
  11. The Old Testament closed with what kingdom? ______Grecia______
  12. The New Testament open with what kingdom? ________Rome_____
  13. The Non-Descript beast is call that because?__The Roman Government lacked description or definition__.
  14. What two periods of Roman History does the Non-Descript Symbolize?___Pagan____and ___Papal__
  15. Under each Beast provide the name of the empire it is a symbol of.
      1. Babylon
        Medo-- Persia
        Papal Rome
        Pagan Rome

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