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Study #1 Answer Sheet
  1.  According to Revelation 1:11 what is the last or 7th church?  Laodicea-- (Seventh-day Adventist)
  2. What does the Word "Laodicea" mean?-- People declaring the judgment
  3. "The message to the -- Laodiceans-- is applicable to -- the people of God at the present time -- who have great light and have not walked in the light." 2SM:66
  4. What has been our message since 1844? -- The judgment of the dead.
  5. According to The Great Controversy p. 436, what is to extend to the close of probation?  The work of Judgment. Both the Dead and the Living.
  6. When is the Judgment for the living to begin? 1SM:125.  When all the dead have been judged.
  7. Who are the First Ones Judged For The Living? 1 Peter 4:17.--Those in God's true church, Seventh-day Adventist church.
  8. What is the seal of the Living God, which is placed in the foreheads of His people?--The mark of redemption-- A seal that man cannot see. only angels can see.
  9. What angel is to seal or bind the wheat for the heavenly garner?--The Third Angel.
  10. Who is to be FIRST to feel the STROKE of the wrath of God?5T:209-211. -- The ancient men = Ministers and those in charge.
  11. How do we know that this "Wrath of God" spoken of in 5T:209-211 is not the 7 Last Plagues?
    1. God's Wrath upon Babylon is Typified by -- Seven Angels--
      with-- Seven Vials-- , not -- Five Angels-- with -- Slaughter Weapons-- .
      The Seven Last Plagues Fall on -- Babylon-- not -- Jerusalem-- .
  12. What is the "Special Work" we are to be doing while the investigative judgment is going forward in heaven? GC:425--Putting away of sins among Gods people on earth.
  13. What must take place BEFORE the Latter Rain will fall upon us? 5T:214 -- Cleanse the soul temple from every defilement.
  14. How is the church to enter upon her final conflict? PK:725--Clad in the armor of Christ's righteousness, fair as the moon clear as the sun, Terrible as an Army with Banners.

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