Location ...................................5
Vocational .............................
Visitors and Newcomers
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Mt. Carmel Training Center 1B
Administration Building
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Mt. Carmel Training Center
"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." 1 Cor. 2:9.
"To dwell forever in this home of the blest, to bear in soul, body and spirit, not the dark traces of sin and the curse, but the perfect likeness of our Creator, and through ceaseless ages to advance in wisdom, in knowledge, and in holiness, ever exploring new fields of thought, ever finding new wonders and new glories, ever increasing in capacity to know and to enjoy and to love, and knowing that there is still beyond us joy and love and wisdom infinite, -- such is the object to which the Christian's hope is pointing, for which Christian's education is preparing. To secure this education, and to aid others to secure it, should be the object of the Christian's life." -- Counsels to Teachers, p. 55.
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Mt. Carmel Training Center
Mt. Carmel Training Center was established in 1935, and is located six miles northwest of Waco, Texas. Its 375 acres a sylvan sanctuary, and its western and northern prominences commanding unexcelled views of beautiful Lake Waco some three hundred feet below, and the picturesque vistas beyond, it is happy indeed for situation solitarily in the woods.
In such propitious setting, it was raised up at this late hour (the "eleventh" -- Matt. 20:6) in the history of the gospel, as proving grounds for that Christian army (Joel 2:2-11; Mic. 5:7, 8) which s to restore the soon-coming and everlasting Kingdom. Hence, upon all who come within the compass of its influence its fundamental injunction is that prime principle enunciated by the greatest Teacher the world has ever known: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness." Matt. 6:33.
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Thus it is called forth to implement the divine task of gathering, educating, and disciplining men and women for a place in the long-hoped-for Kingdom and, consequently, for the joy of a glorious service now in the "harvest" at the end of this world, and the subsequent higher joy of an ever more glorious service in the world to come.
Its educational processes therefore having to do with the whole man for time and for eternity, Mt. Carmel's constant aim is to educate hand, mind, and heart in a harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers. By this threefold education it seeks to restore in man the image of his Maker -- to promote the development of body, mind, and soul, that the immortal perfection divinely purposed in his creation might be realized.
As prerequisite to its accomplishing this divine task, the school has from its inception been cast in the divine mould of the ancient schools of the prophets. Struck from this divine pattern, its entire educational structure has for its foundation the Word of God; and for its study, the grand object of all study: to learn the will of God, the sole knowledge that fits for citizenship in the "kingdom prepared...from the foundation of the world." Matt. 25:34.
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Possessed of this heritage of divine purpose and mould, the instruction is invested with an atmosphere of supreme purposiveness. Teacher and student breathing deeply of this inspiration are impelled to supreme effort to achieve to the supreme heights where, among the elect, at the feet of the Teacher of teachers, in the Classroom of classrooms, he shall learn the Science of sciences -- the Key of knowledge which shall unlock unto him the Kingdom of God.
Consistent with this divine design, Mt. Carmel matriculates only such persons as are known to subscribe in full to its beliefs, its purposes, and its principles, and who aspire to a place in the final work of the gospel -- the restoration of every divine institution, and the ushering in of enduring peace on earth and good will toward men.
Right is reserved to refuse admission to anyone who appears for entrance without having previously filled out and returned an application form provided by the college, and without having received notification of acceptance.
In keeping with its belief in both the imminent end of all things mundane, and the principles of simplicity and modesty, the institution is building unpretentiously.
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Its plant to date is composed of six main structures and a number of subsidiary ones. All save one (which is of tile) are of frame and stone construction. These at present provide an administration center, a chapel, classrooms, dormitories and other living quarters, kitchen, dining room, laundry, dispensary, nursery, material and storage shed, pump-house, water storage tank, water-works control house, and produce depot.
Ministerial Correspondence Course
Students who prior to their coming here have done satisfactory work in the school's correspondence course are allowed ministerial credit.
As an integral part of its structure, its educational system provides cumulative pre-ministerial preparation in a sustained twelve-grade course, embracing the fundamental branches of learning, for students of elementary, intermediate, and secondary school age.
1. Punctual and regular attendance at all classes, special meetings, and religious services is required of students.
"Of all the features of
an education to be given...the religious exercises are the most important."
-- Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 174.
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2. Absence and tardy lists will be posted once a week.
3. Only such absences, other than for illness, as have been arranged for by the institution are excusable.
4. Reasons for an absence or tardiness must be filed within twenty-four hours of the return of the student to his classes.
5. A student having in any one class absences amounting to more than 15 percent of the total sessions of that class will receive an "F" in that subject.
6. A second unexcused absence in a year whether in the same or another class, carries a fine of $.50. (Additional unexcused absences become a matter of more drastic discipline.)
7. Two unexcused tardinesses are equal to one unexcused absence.
8. A leave of absence does not excuse from classes. Reason for absence from each class must be submitted.
9. Any student withdrawing from a class in any other than the proper manner, or dropping out because of unsatisfactory work, will receive an "F" in that subject.
A student whose conduct, spirit, or influence is out of harmony with the standards and principles of the institution, may be dismissed at any time even through he may not have violated any specific regulations.
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"One student with careless ideas may do more to let down the standard, than ten men with all their effort can do to counteract the demoralizing influence.
"Failure or success will be read in the course the students pursue. If they stand ready to question rules and regulations and order, if they indulge self, and by their example encourage a spirit of rebellion, give them no place. The institution might better close its doors than suffer this spirit to leaven the helpers and break down the barriers that it has cost thorough, effort, and prayer to establish." -- Counsels to Teachers, p. 482.
The manual phase of the student's training. It is gained through daily pursuit of one or more of the institution's various employments. Both in theory and in practice, right methods and procedures are constantly inculcated for right results. Efficiency is stressed as the result of energetic application and concentration, carefulness, thoroughness, speed, and proficiency. The irrepressible desire for some greater good, the indomitable will to success, the strenuous exertion, the untiring perseverance are cultivated as the elements of character which make a man successful and honored among men, and which will win for him the highest of all promotions and commendations,
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"Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Matt. 25:21. Work is thus dignified and restored to its original primacy in the redemptive processes.
Therefore the basic and most potent factor of discipline and growth in the student's training experience (as well as the means of his livelihood), it is accordingly exploited as the most productive source and means of symmetrical character development.
A perspective study of the prophetic gift, its vital place and purpose in the church, past, present, and future. Special attention is directed to its climactic manifestation, work, and fruits.
An intensive study of end-conditions and end-events as revealed in correlative and convergent lines of prophetic testimony, parable, ceremony, and number. Predominant emphasis is upon their pragmatic integration in the believer's credenda.
A strictly non-speculative inquiry into the divine scheme of things, into the Absolute and Its unities. Approach is made objectively in the light of revealed knowledge. The aim is progressive elevation and
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enlargement of the soul's horizons, and its consequent activation on the divine plane of living, as the only truly good and more abundant life -- that which is measured by the life of God. Accordingly, its primary foci of exploration are the immensity and diversity of the love of God.
A Scriptural study of the great psychophysical laws governing the physical, mental, and moral balance of true Christian growth. This threefold development and integration of the personality is carefully viewed in its consummate embodiment in the man, Jesus. The ideal of the Christ poise and power is assiduously inculcated and pursued. Animated application is keynoted.
An examination of the true social structure (the Edenic man, in his Edenic home in the Edenic school, in the Edenic state -- the kingdom of the first dominion), the causes of its fall, and the conditions of its restoration. Most intensive study is devoted to the third phase of the course -- to the social reforms involved in the regeneration, and in the transformation into the Kingdom of God, of the individual, the family, the school, and the church among those elements of society which elect to identify themselves with the divine purpose.
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A survey of history from the divine point of view. Causes underlying the rise and fall of empires and nations from creation to the present are incisively traced. Types and cycles are especially noticed. Main attention is fixed on the agencies of the all-merciful Providence silently, patiently working out the counsels of His own will behind, above, and through all the vast play and counterplay of human interests and power and passions. Final focus is upon the climactic scene in the drama -- the restoration of the Kingdom of God in the light of the great lessons brought to view.
An excavation into the poetic veins of revealed truth. The course includes a brief non-technical study of the form and the kinds of poetry in the Bible, while chief concern is with the spiritual esthetic of the sacred poems and songs.
A study of the art and science of effective composition and delivery of Scriptural discourses. Ministerial ideals are woven in throughout the course. The spiritual element is held aloft as the most important in all stages of the discourse. Varied opportunity is given for delivery.
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Remedial drill in the fundamentals of grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, punctuation, and oral and written composition. Constant emphasis is upon language study from the higher point of view, that it "be always with grace, seasoned with salt," "the outward expression of an inward grace."
As Christian students in
American, devoted to God, and consequently loyal to the just principles
of this free "government under God," we pledge our hearts, our minds, our
hands, our all, first to the [flag]
of God's eternal kingdom, and to the Theocracy for which it stands, one people made up of all nations, and bound by
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the cords of everlasting love, liberty,
purity justice, peace, happiness, light and life for all, and second "to
the [flag]
of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
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1. Newcomers are, upon arrival, to be directed to register at the General Office, state their purpose in coming here, and make known what they expect of this institution.
2. All are to go to the General Office for information.
3. Smoking is positively prohibited on the grounds.
4. Carrying on conversation with those at work is condemned as a species of theft, for it steals time and effort from the job.
5. Visitors wishing to help in the work, are to report to the Employment Department, and if placed, they are to hand in their time slips. They are not, however (save under special provisions), to be entered on the payroll.
6. Only such as have read and accepted all that is contained in the entire series of The Shepherd's Rod books and tracts are eligible for permanent residence.
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1. Keep rooms and premises clean and orderly at all times. Be a particular, self-respecting housekeeper.
2. Cooking and eating in rooms built and equipped only for sleeping quarters create unhealthful conditions for the occupants, and menace the health of the institution. In such quarters, therefore, preparing and eating food is to be done only when there is no other way of obtaining meals. And at such times, take precaution to leave food covered and no crumbs about. Save when impossible patronize the dining room, and help make it what it ought to be.
1. Before leaving your room at any time, see to it that you carefully (a) extinguish all lamps; (b) tightly close all stove dampers, (c) turn off all electrical appliances; (d) make certain that all clothing, wood, and inflammable articles are an amply safe distance from lamps or heating appliances.
2. Throw burnt matches nowhere but in their proper place, and there only after making certain that the flame is completely extinguished. And keep unused matches in a proper place.
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3. Vigilantly guard against firing stoves red-hot.
4. In event of fire, immediately notify the General Office; call all hands by ringing the fire bell fast and long; then hasten with a container of water to the scene of fire. And finally, always be a trusty fire warden alert to safeguard life and property.
Shun laughing, talking, common whispering, and unnecessary moving about before, during, or after meetings. Such deportment profanes the house of God. Remember that God is in His sanctuary and that only an irreverent soul will engage in such deportment.
1. All departments are to sell on a strict cash basis only.
2. Save in authorized exceptions, trade currency is not exchangeable for national money for purchases from elsewhere.
3. National money is exchangeable for Mt. Carmel trade currency at the General Office only.
4. Only under special provision may visitors exchange trade currency for national money.
5. Anyone depositing coins is to seal them before placing them in the deposit box.
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1. All dishes, silverware, and utensils in the Culinary Department are to be used and kept solely therein. Violation will result in fine.
2. Meals are served at regular times. Do not expect early or late servings.
3. Only authorized persons are to open refrigerators.
4. Only Culinary Department employees on duty or when specially authorized are to be in the kitchen or bakery.
1. Orders to be filled from stock other than that on hand are to be in before 3:00 P.M. preceding the regular Mercantile purchasing days.
2. Personal purchases at the Mercantile may be made only during regular buying hours.
3. Only authorized buyers are to do purchasing in the name of the Mercantile.
4. Making unauthorized business inquiries, appointments, or contracts either by person or by letter in the name of the Mercantile Association, will subject the offender to dismissal from the institution.
5. Anyone making personal purchases in town and requesting the institution's purchaser to deliver them, will be charged a service fee.
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6. Academy-student buying is to be done by requisition signed by parent or guardian and countersigned by the school.
7. All purchasing should be done through
the Mercantile, for through the institution the Lord provides our "daily
bread." All, therefore, should seek for its prosperity as for hidden treasure.
1. Washing will be received only on the first day of the week up to 10:00 A.M.
2. Washing will be accepted only with a laundry slip properly made out.
3. All ironing is to be done at the laundry. Other buildings are not wired for this purpose, and hence become fire hazards when high wattage heating appliances are used.
4. Individuals doing their own ironing will be charged by the hour.
1. Anyone desiring to use sewing room equipment must first make arrangements with the department head.
2. Patterns, pattern books, etc., are to be taken from the sewing room only with permission from the department head. (The Mercantile the Laundry, the Culinary, and the Sewing departments
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are for the purpose of serving Mt. Carmel s residents. It is therefore the obligation of all here, visitors and residents alike, to maintain these services by patronizing them.)
1. Permission to converse with those at work in the office is to be secured at the Information desk.
2. Typing, mimeographing, or any other kind of work to be done by the Office, is first to be submitted to the Office manager.
Those wishing transportation to town, are to make arrangement with the Transportation Department, and to purchase a ticket there. Renting private cars or paying individuals for transportation is permissible only under special provision by the management.
1. Academy students wishing to leave the School Campus proper may do so only if accompanied by an adult. Mixed groups are not permitted.
2. Bank loans are issued only to those students whose deportment, scholarship, and work are meritorious. Requisitions for such loans are to be
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signed by the school and by parent or guardian, and countersigned by the Credit Manager.
3. Lending money to students and borrowing money from them is permissible only under special provision.
4. Academy student's mail, both incoming and out going, is to pass through the Academy office.
5. Each one is to sleep only in his own room and in his own bed.
6. Radios or phonographs are not permitted in student dormitories.
1. Lost and found articles are to be turned in at the Information desk.
2. Property damage is to be reported immediately to the Office.
3. All breakage is to be reported immediately and is to be settled for by the one responsible.
4. Cutting or hacking trees, destroying plants picking flowers, or throwing rubbish on the campus, etc., is subject to fine.
5. Failing to close any farm, garden, orchard, or dairy gate is likewise subject to fine.
6. Conserve water and electricity by using no more than absolutely necessary.
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7. Keep out of dam and watershed areas. They supply water for human consumption and must therefore be maintained absolutely clean.
8. Place ashes only in ash containers and keep them free of glass. Place cans and glass in separate containers.
9. Idling in cars, hanging upon them, and riding on the outside, are prohibited.
10. Loitering about the premises before or after nightfall will subject the offender to discipline.
11. The unrestricted association of unmarried men and women is not permitted. Neither is corresponding, open or clandestine strolling, idling, or otherwise companioning together on the campus or elsewhere. or sitting together in public gatherings. Such violations subject the offenders to expulsion.
A man student whose conduct, scholarship, and maturity warrant the privilege, may, at such times as the institution deems wise, gain permission to call upon a woman student in like standing.
12. Complaints and suggestions for improvements are to be taken only to those who are responsible for the matter involved. Communicating them
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to another can only foment trouble and lead to sorrow.
13. Any authorized person or persons will hear charges or complaints against anyone (including youth and children) only if they are made in writing.
14. All doctrinal questions as well as others requiring a formal answer are to be placed in the question box at the General Office, to be answered at the proper time, at the proper place.
15. Speak no evil; hear no evil; think well of and be kind and courteous to everyone.
16. Gambling of any kind, drinking, smoking, profane language, obscene or questionable literature, are strictly prohibited.
1. Dress sleeves are to hang below the elbow.
2. Girls under twelve years of age are to have their skirts one third the distance between the bend of the knee and the floor. All women, and girls over twelve, are to have theirs half way between the bend of the knee and the floor.
3. Low necklines are condemned.
4. Crisping-pins and artificial embellishments are forbidden.
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5. Unless going barefooted, women and girls are to wear long stockings.
6. Sheer silk stockings, rolled down stockings, perfume, rouge, lipstick, mascara, etc., are absolutely taboo.
7. Wrist watches, tie pins, display watch chains, display handkerchiefs, display wear of any kind, and any other such vanities, are discountenanced.
8. High-heeled shoes are unhealthful and are therefore discountenanced.
9. Head coverings are to be worn by the women on religious occasions.
1. Retire on time to bed, and preserve quietness thereafter.
2. Guard against all unhealthful living. Health once lost, may never be regained. "Be ye temperate in all things."
1. At the first signs of contracting a contagious malady (including colds, whooping cough, etc.,) report to the dispensary.
2. Expenses for dispensary treatments for minor cuts, wounds, etc. to institutional employees and students, are to be defrayed by a weekly fee from each one.
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3. Faithful employees incurring expenses for care at the Mt. Carmel Dispensary, may receive aid from the Benevolent department.
4. Hospital expense and doctors' charges are either to be paid by, or charged to, the individual.
5. Anyone desiring appointment with a doctor is to make it through the General Office, and at the same time make arrangements there for payment of the fees.
6. Academy students reporting to the Mt. Carmel Dispensary for care, or wishing to see a doctor in town, must present a requisition signed by parent or guardian and countersigned by the Academy Office.
1. To work in any department, either a visitor or a regular worker must first receive placement from the Employment Department.
2. Department heads requiring help are to report each evening to the Employment Office their needs for the following day. Each is to secure his help, get his tools, etc., and be in readiness for the job in the morning. Remember that bonus time is for this work.
3. Departments may interchange help only with permission from the Employment Department.
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4. Private enterprises of any kind is barred from the institution's grounds.
5. "Let all things be done decently and in order." 1 Cor. 14:40.
1. Building material may lawfully be had only by requisition.
2. Individual or departmental lending or borrowing of material or tools is condemned. If you need something, place your order with the Mercantile.
3. Each worker is responsible for all the tools checked out to him. Upon finishing a job, he is to return them to their regular depository.
1. A newly-appointed department head shall first report to the Office for instructions before taking up his duties. The outgoing department head shall leave the department in fit order to turn over to his successor, and shall return to the General Office all materials, books, cash box, etc.
2. Any employee, head of department or otherwise desiring information, is to go to his immediate superior.
3. Each worker is to attend strictly to the work to which he is assigned, and is not to encroach upon or drift over to another's job.
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4. Working only to put in time, is a disloyalty to the institution and thus to God.
5. Engage only in necessary conversation on the job.
6 No over-time is allowed for routine work.
7. If you cannot keep up with your work, seek to discover the trouble. If you need more help, apply for it Keep your work from dragging.
8 Vigilantly prevent waste.
1. Time slips are to be made out correctly and fumed in at the Office each evening.
2. Time slips overdue one day up to nightfall will have their time reduced one hour, if in later than this, they will not be honored at all.
3. On the back of each Sunday's time slip, make a record of attendance at religious services for the preceding week, and give the reason for any tardiness or absence.
4. Only those who are faithful and regular in their work, are to receive bonus time.
1. Anyone upon deciding to sever his
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connection with Mt. Carmel, is to hand in his resignation, and check out one day ahead of his departure. If he has children who are to remain here, he is to make arrangements with the Academy Office.
2. Adults desiring to leave the camp during work hours, are to secure release from their department. Academy students must first secure release from their department, then from the School.
3. Outside work hours, Academy students are to gain permission from the school.
Any violation of these rules shall be dealt with as an enemy act.
" ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Matt. 6:33, 34. "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." Matt. 7:12.
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